FR317 - Topics in Francophone Culture (英语授课):

(英语授课). Study of an aspect of Francophone culture not represented in the regular curriculum. Areas of study may include the Caribbean, the Maghreb, Sub-Saharan Africa, or Quebec. Topics may include various aspects of these cultures such as their history and their political and economic structures, 也。 as their interaction with art, music, film, language and literature. 学生 wishing to obtain credit towards the French major or minor must consult the instructor at the beginning of the course. For those students, all possible readings must be read and all papers must be written in French. Note: 这门课 does NOT fulfill the all-college language requirement for graduation

一个单位 — Tallent, Wade

Previously Featured Offering

Topics in Francophone Culture: Exploring 法人后裔 and Creole Cultures in the US explores the history and significance of 法人后裔 and Creole cultures in the United States. 学生 will have the opportunity to take a 5-day field trip to New Orleans, Louisiana in order to critically explore 法人后裔 and Creole cultures.
Photo of a "欢迎 to Louisiana" sign which uses both English and French
图片由Flickr用户提供 肯·隆德
这门课, 英语授课, explores the historical presence and significance of 法人后裔 and Creole cultures in North America, in the US particularly. The course also studies the social and cultural significance of processes of Creolization of French, 也。 as French as a heritage language in the US. This investigation is carried through the reading and critical study of 工作s by U.S. authors of 法人后裔 and Creole origins. 在本课程中, students view and explore filmic representations of histories and cultures of Creoles, and 法人后裔s in Louisiana. Filmic productions such as Ann Rice’s popular television series, 万圣节, 在别人, 将被研究. The course’s critical exploration of 法人后裔 and Creole cultures culminates with a 5-day guided visit in the historical city of New Orleans in Louisiana.


术语 Title 教练 位置 Student Limit/Available 更新
2024年春季 块6 Topics in Francophone Culture: Exploring 法人后裔 and Creole Cultures in the US 主题的细节 Ibrahima韦德 阿姆斯特朗大厅361 25 / 15 03/28/2024
2024年春季 块7 Topics in Francophone Culture: Contemporary French Society 主题的细节 盖尔Murphy-Geiss 海外教学001 16 / 3 03/28/2024
2024年夏天 块一个 Topics in Francophone Culture (英语授课): Cultural Studies in Senegal 主题的细节 Ibrahima韦德, Nene迪奥普 稍后通知 25 / 16 03/28/2024
2024年秋季 块4 Topics in Francophone Culture: Origins of the Undead: Zombies & 海地小说 主题的细节 Alistaire塔伦特 稍后通知 25 / 25 03/28/2024
2025年春季 块6 Topics in Francophone Culture: Exploring 法人后裔 and Creole Cultures in the US 主题的细节 Ibrahima韦德 稍后通知 25 / 25 03/28/2024
报告问题 - 最后更新: 03/28/2024